I Pray That You Are Encouraged... If So, Let Me Know Please.

Never Give Up!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Important: New Site: jnwheels.com

JNWheels is moving to a new site.

Please feel free to continue browsing here for now while my new site is being slowly published. please check it out and pray for it (please) that the Lord would use the art of writing to encourage, stir and save many for His glory.

New Site!

Thank You All!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Epic Faith.

Some say, “It is hard to believe.”

They honestly state, “I cannot believe in what is unseen.”

“I have no faith toward God, because I cannot see Him with my eye.”

And yet without reserve, doubting, they place their measure of faith in what is seen.

“Unless I can see it, it will not satisfy.”

The faith of disbelief in God is placed elsewhere.

“I faith what I feel.”

“If I feel it, I believe it. If I taste, touch, hear or see it, I accept it.”

“If I can argue for it, or reason through it, than surely I would give my life for it.”

Most believe that it is a satisfying thing to be able to see the object of your affections. But if you can see what you place your hope in, yet draw no joy from it, there is no pleasure in the seen thing at all. Empty we come to our table and there find no fullness at all, only the same old desire unfulfilled. And so we are on the hunt.

Searching to be satisfied.

Our hearts are beating for one single treasure.

The desire of man is probing the pleasures of life; hoping; expecting by faith and panting for calm in a world full of storm. The desire of man is to be satisfied. And yet seeing, we are still wanting. And hearing many things we are still deaf to the answer. Seeing the object of faith, most people are unmoved. I don’t mean they are not accepted or are without some definition of meaning or purpose, but I mean that they are unaffected. Untouched by their faith.

Money is the god of some and yet though they move money, money does not move them. I can change my surroundings or possessions with money but money cannot speak to me, comfort me, hear my cries and relieve my anxieties. It cannot bring relief and companionship to the lonely heart.

Sex is the god of many. All effort, emotion, and mind is consumed with this act or vision. Faith in the groped-for fleeting satisfaction of fornication. Yet they are untouched or fulfilled by sex. Though moving in sex, though moving from one partner to another in this act, they themselves are not moved by it in heart. Satisfaction is lacking because sex satisfies the body but for a moment. It is fleeting. The body is left hungering only for more but without being pleased.







heroism… the list could go.

Man is searching for contentment.

The mind and body are hungry for meaning, but what if man is more than just body and mind? Though what is seen is natural, what if in what lies beyond the eyes-seen world is where we are only satisfied?

Though men move naturally toward satisfaction and self-worth, they are not moved by what they grope for.

The seen does not satisfy because the unseen in man hungers for the ultimate satisfying treasure. What is unseen is unaffected by material treasures. The spirit of man is yearning to be satisfied by the unseen; the spiritual. The body is possessed by spirit, and knowing that the body is rotting, the spirit is longing for its master; the creator and satisfier of all things.

Your and my need is spiritual, not fleshly.

Not worldly, but godly.

Reality is that the body is dead without the spirit, but the spirit is dead without God.

Long ago, God breathed his very breath into a pile of dust and brought man to life. His breath became our source of life and we are as men, longing to breath from the source once again. Satisfaction awaits but only at the fountainhead. You, being created in the image of God, who is Spirit, are longing to be touched by the God who formed you. To truly be moved by that which you place your faith in.

God moves me.

I am moved by Him.

He is moving in me.

Gushing out brilliantly.

Over and under, in, through and out of the deepness of my heart, spirit, mind and emotions.

I have searched the world over and have found only sweet, fulfilling satisfaction in Him alone. His Spirit lives in me and I am supremely satisfied in Him!

I have not seen Him with the eye but have experienced Him with the heart and knowing him, I am complete and satisfied in mind, heart and faith.

There are those who even see with the eye and still do not believe. But I have heard His still and small voice calling me to be in Him complete and there be completely satisfied.

I am a faith-walker; needing not sight but knowing Him through experience of His touch upon my life, He has lit the path of life and inflamed my heart to burn for Him. He walks upon the landscape of my soul, and in heaven, though here on earth I now walk with Him in pleasure forevermore.

My desires are for Him alone.

He changes me,

renews me,

makes me whole, therefore I am wholly His.

I have been delivered up to my God for His good pleasure. I am a sacrifice upon the alter of allurement. I have tasted and now see. I am lured by His immeasurable grace toward me. He is the hunter, I am His prey, and I have been caught by the one who only wholly loves me and cares for my soul. I am pleased to be trapped by His love. This is the result of his affections toward me and my experience of faith in Him.

He is a God to be experienced not intellectually beheld. But you must run after Him! Searching and calling after Him to be found, and there, you will no doubt be found by Him. But faith is an action as well as a reality and the reality and faith-filled, creator of faith is longing to be your desire and object of faith.

But as we know, reality is often tested. But know this my friend, the God of reality will be found as real as life and more powerful than death come the end of your life, and there, in that moment having not experienced Him here you will surely never know Him there.

Are you experiencing your God or just reading about Him? The seen does not satisfy because we were meant to be other-worldly.

Our unseen spirit is most greatly delighted when enraptured by His Spirit; seen with the spiritual eye.

Come Boldly before your God today and experience Him in all of His glory. Let Him blow your mind. See Him and be seen by Him with Fresh eyes.

Safe in Him,


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sneak Peak - Chapter One: The Call of God. please pray for this work in progress

...It is truly passion that fuels the hearts of Gods precious saints. Undying, unwavering, immovable fervor fueled by the Spirit of God in the Life of those convinced of their election from on high. It is not laboratory excitement but Spiritual anointing. It is not intoxicated highs but miracle, life-changed and touched by the living God burden.
“…necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I preach not the Gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16)
It is who I am. I cannot be anything else. All else would be vain. I was born and re-born with the blessed burden to love, serve and preach Christ. The burden is genuine; refined in the fires of God and possessed in the school of the hard-knocks. God is the elects greatest Guide (only He provides the way) and life is our teacher; Guided and worked together by the Lord (our Master)...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let There Be Light!

2 Corinthians 4:6
“For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the Knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”

Wow! What brightness is this! God Himself, who is light. That God, who spoke the planets and moons, stars and even the sun into existence by a word, would shine in our hearts? Wow! It is so hard to fathom. To think that out of billions of souls alive today, right now, at this very moment and then out of even more billions upon billions who have lived in the past, that He the God of Wonder and creation; power and glory would single me out; a sinner of the highest degree, with a soul as dark and as black and wicked as hell itself. To save me and to shine His pure, powerful, sin obliterating light into my heart and mind and soul, and to wake and bring to life my once dead spirit. It is so hard to imagine but it is so important to accept. God has indeed pierced the darkness and the veil that had blinded you from experiencing His light of love and grace. He has defeated the wicked god of this world, that serpent and deceiver, who once held you under bondage to your sin and condemnation. But that has all changed. It is changed permanently. For good. It is finished! To you, though you deserve it not, His mercies will shine anew and afresh each day because he has said to your spirit the same thing that He has said to all His creation from the beginning: “Let there be light!” And through the Lens of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection, he says to you also as he said from the beginning, “it is good.” All this is because of His goodness and for His glory because we have seen the face of The Christ; our Savior. We see the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ who loved and loves us. Oh what sure Hope we have in Jesus. Just as the sun has not ceased its shining all these years so the Light of God’s faithfulness shall not cease its singing over us until we bask eternally in the presence of the light of His true Son for eternity.

"Amen, Praise You my God for all eternity! amen!"

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sneak- Peak Working on Book

Here is a brief sneak-peak of my work in progress! needs much prayer. appreciated

“…God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” (Romans 5:8)
The more I know this, the more I live for Jesus. The more I experience this, the more I love God. He has so loved the world (john 3:16) and I am infected with His love. I cannot help but pass it on. Infections are infectious and we who are so greatly affected by Him cannot help but pass it on!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Blessed "Yet's" of God!

2 Corinthians 3:5
“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God…”

How interesting is the word of God. So peculiar is our faith that we may proclaim with the Spirit that gives Life that, though we die, yet we live. Though we are weak, yet we are strong and though we are not sufficient, yet we are sufficient. Does this make sense? We are one thing yet we are another? To the natural men who know nothing of the spirit nor of Christ and His miraculous power these things make no sense. But for us the sense lies within the “yets” of scripture. That is, we are one thing yet Christ is another. We are sinners, Yet He is Savior. We are Sinful and yet He is forgiver of sin. And in our passage here: though we be insufficient, yet He is sufficiency for us. It is not about us but about Him in all things and all areas of our undeserved life. Oh that we would remember to be grateful for these “yets” of Christ that have made us acceptable in the Fathers sight for now and for all eternity. Praise the Lord.

"We are blessed in You, Oh Jesus!!!" Amen

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Love through Sufferings

2 Corinthians 2:4
“For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears; not so that you would be made sorrowful, but that you might know the love which I have for you.”

Oh what depth of love we might have within ourselves as we are conformed more and more into the likeness of our Savior. To love as powerful as Christ on the cross. He is bleeding, and yet He is giving life. He is in much anguish and suffering and yet He is experiencing victory for so many souls. He is dying, being poured out, and yet He is vastly in love with those for whom his blood is spilt. This is love, though it be a strange thing to take in; to grasp. You must experience this sort of love in order to scarcely understand. A love that is willing to go through trial and much anguish so that others may experience true joy and everlasting peace. I wonder how many Christians are missing out on the fullness of knowing their Savior because they are too safe. Too scared to step out in faith or too scared to suffer for the well being of others. I’m not talking about being tortured or spread over a splintery cross. But to be spent: emotionally, physically and spiritually stretched beyond your personal bounds for the sake of others. True men and women of God who change lives and effect eternity for the sake of the gospel suffer in this life while others benefit, and yet because of this suffering, they enjoy pure, perfect joy now and in heaven. No wonder scripture says to us about our Savior: “that for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross…” There is great joy in tears and trial and in sufferings when they are for the purpose of the gospel, the joy of others, and to the glory of God!

"O, Lord, that we might experience you more fully in the fellowship of your sufferings." Amen